St. Mary's - Danbury, IA.
St. Mary's - Mapleton, IA.
Sacred Heart - Ida Grove, IA.

Observances and Readings for the Week
Monday (2-3)
Saint Blaise, Bishop and Martyr
Saint Ansgar, Bishop
Heb 11:32-40
Mk 5:1-20
Tuesday (2-4)
Heb 12:1-4
Mk 5:21-43
Wednesday (2-5)
Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr, Memorial
Heb 12:4-7, 11-15
Mk 6:1-6
Thursday (2-6)
Saint Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs, Memorial
Heb 12:18-19, 21-24
Mk 6:7-13
Friday (2-7)
Heb 13:1-8
Mk 6:14-29
Saturday (2-8)
Saint Jerome Emiliani
Saint Josephine Bakhita, Virgin; BVM
Heb 13:15-17, 20-21
Mk 6:30-34
Sunday (2-9)
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 6:1-2a, 3-8
1 Cor 15:1-11 or 15:3-8, 11
Lk 5:1-11
Monday (2-10)
Saint Scholastica, Virgin,Memorial
Gn 1:1-19
Mk 6:53-56
Tuesday (2-11)
Our Lady of Lourdes
Gn 1:20-2:4a
Mk 7:1-13
Wednesday (2-12)
Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17
Mk 7:14-23
Thursday (2-13)
Gn 2:18-25
Mk 7:24-30
Friday (2-14)
Saints Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop, Memorial
Gn 3:1-8
Mk 7:31-37
Saturday (2-15)
Gn 3:9-24
Mk 8:1-10
Sunday (2-16)
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jer 17:5-8
1 Cor 15:12, 16-20
Lk 6:17, 20-26
Ignited By The Spirit
The folks I encounter are all telling me to pray for moisture as the last six months have been very dry in terms of rain or snow. Moisture is such an important part of our everyday life. I think that it is prudent to seek help from God in breaking this dry weather cycle.
I encourage you and your family to gift to God a "Spiritual Bouquet." A Spiritual Bouquet are prayers, sacrifices or other devotionals on behalf of a special intention. The idea is that each prayer or action is mystically offered to God as a gift in thanksgiving for receiving moisture. What it is not is demanding God that it will rain on this day or that day; as God has purpose for all things that eventually take place in this world. A Spiritual Bouquet is an action, based on faith and embraced with love, for the glory of God. My suggestion is to design your own Spiritual Bouquet and together as a Catholic faith Community we prayerfully request the gift of more moisture.
Here is a partial list of actions that could compose your Spiritual Bouquet: a certain number of prayers, Rosaries, litanies, votive candle offerings, Masses for a special intention, reading or studying Sacred Scripture or the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Make a visit to the Church with the intention of praying before the Blessed Sacrament or praying the Stations of the Cross. Partake more frequently in the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation. Good deeds that assist the poor, needy or lonely make up great Spiritual Bouquets. The Corporal Works of Mercy include to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick or imprisoned, and bury the dead. The Spiritual Works of Mercy include to counsel the doubtful, instruct the ignorant, admonish the sinner, comfort the sorrowful, forgive all injuries, bear wrongs patiently and to pray for the living and the dead.
I will guarantee that God will joyfully accept your Spiritual Bouquet and your effort will not be in vain.
God bless,
Fr. McCarthy.
Parish Family Events
Feb. 9 - Bake Sale
On Sunday, February 9th the Sacred Heart Women of Faith in Ida Grove will be having a bake sale after mass in the church hall - free will donation! Get your Valentine goodies!
Feb. 23 - Bingo!
Can you play Bingo? Of course you can!
The St. Therese of Lisieux Community Life Committee is holding Bingo on Sunday, February 23rd from 2:00 - 3:30 at the Sacred Heart church hall.
One non-perishable food item will get you one Bingo card. Additional cards will require an additional food item. These food items will be the used as prizes, and whatever is left over will be donated to the local food pantry.
Please Come for some tun, fellowship and Bingo!
Thank You
Thank you to Mary Ann Henkenius for the crib donations in Mapleton and Danbury for the Community Life’s Mary’s Choice collections.
Mary Ann’s late husband, Ed had made the cribs which were used when their great grandchildren visited Grandma and Grandpa. Now that they have grown up, Mary Ann saw an opportunity to keep using the cribs for a good cause. They are much appreciated.
St. Therese of Lisieux Community Life Committee.
Sacred Heart - Ida Grove
New Audio Cabinet, part 2
A special assistant in getting the cabinet moved and the pews placed was Nathan Boysen. Nathan was overlooked last weekend, and he needs to be remembered with a huge thank you for his assistance in this project. Thank you, Nathan, for all your work.
Contribution Statements are Here
Your 2024 contribution statement is available for parishioners to pick up at the Church.
Sacred Heart Women of Faith
Exciting News!! We now have an awesome name for the women's group!! Sacred Heart Women of Faith!
Our next meeting will be on Monday, April 7, 2025 at 6:30 pm in the church hall. Oh, it's going to be fun!!! Call Lisa for questions 712-371-3297.
Join Us for Adoration
Adoration is held for an hour every Tuesday after Mass and all day on the 4th Tuesday of each month. Please join us.
St. Mary's - Danbury
Pray the Rosary With Us
We will pray the Rosary Wednesdays at approximately 6:45 when there is Faith Formation. Join us! We will also livestream on the St. Mary’s Danbury Facebook page.
Sweeeet Saturdays
Do you enjoy a little treat after Mass once a month? Are you willing to make a donation to keep these treats coming?
If you would like to donate towards Sweeet Saturdays, please contact Lynn Buth at 893-2160 or 840-0327.
We will have a Sweeeet treat on February 15th.
St. Mary's - Mapleton
Contribution Statements are Here
Your 2024 contribution statement is available for parishioners to pick up at the Church.
Visit the Church During the Week
St. Mary’s Mapleton is always open during the day to give you a place to get away from everyday distractions to pray and listen to God. However, not all doors will be open each day.
Effective immediately at St. Mary's, Mapleton: when there is NO daily mass, only the north door will be unlocked from about 8am - 5pm unless a special request has been made (i.e: someone needs the lift).
Mass Time Change
Deanery meetings again, so Father Ball will hold the Mass on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 a.m.
Thus, this week’s Tuesday Mass is at 7:30 a.m.
Event Outside the Cluster
Mar.15 - Faith and Begorrah
Faith and begorrah - the OLGC St. Pat’s Celebration at the Legion will soon be here! Saturday, March 15th from7-10p.m.willbeuponusinno time.
Entertainment chairs Melissa and Dale Friedrichsen are planning tons of fun including blackout bingo, trivia and other games - there might even be a TV so folks can enjoy the Big 12 tourney with friends and family. Yummy snacks will be available and drinks will be available for purchase.
So don’t be an eejit plan now to attend, and let’s all have a fabulous time! Contact any committee member or Monsignor with questions or to volunteer. All ages are welcome! Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for K-18 and folks over 65 and are available from any OLGC parishioner or call Mary Forristal at 712-210-0226. Children under 5 are free!
This event is organized by the OLGC Catholic Church in Holstein’s Parish Life Committee and is meant to encourage good clean fun for the whole family.
Entering the Heart of the Church’s Mission
Confused about the various steps and rituals of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)? Want to know more about why and how we celebrate OCIA and the meaning behind it? Join us as the diocesan offices of Faith Formation and Worship provide regional trainings from 5 to 8 pm on February 25th at St. Mary Church in Alton.
Dinner will be provided for participants as we dive into these liturgical rites that spring from the very heart of the Church's mission, to bring people to Christ and join them to his Church. Please register beforehand on the diocesan website:
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Winter brings crisp fresh air. A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is like winter because it’s a weekend full of fresh air and a time to rejoice in the beauty of our marriage and family. It’s a great time to rekindle communication and enjoy a weekend away. For more information call Denise and Greg - 563-920-9419 or register at Upcoming dates: April 25- 27 in Epworth, IA and September 12-14 in Dubuque, IA
Diocesan Spring Retreats
Turn Youth Conference - March 1 for grades 7-12 in Ogden-Registration due February 14th. Link to the information -
Into the Garden Lenten Retreat with Steve Angrisano - April 6 for grades 6-12 in Sioux City. Registration due March 14th. Link to the information - https://www.
The Vocations Office is sponsoring two concurrent summer trips this summer June 2-5.
The Quest Trip for high school and college-age young men will be going to Winona, MN and La Crosse, WI on a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Led by the seminarians for the Diocese of Sioux City the men will visit Immaculate Heart of Mary College Seminary where our college seminarians study, hike the bluffs of the Mississippi River, and of course play paintball!
The three directors of faith formation of the Diocese of Sioux City will be leading a trip - Ave Young Women's Retreat - for young women in high school and college to Lincoln, NE. They will be staying at a state park, visiting with multiple religious communities of consecrated women religious, visiting the beautiful St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center at the University of Nebraska, and of course having plenty of fun together!
As registrations open soon, please invite young men and women to attend these events designed to help young people grow in their faith and discern their vocation. Please contact Michelle Steinbach 712-233-7523 or Fr. Crotty with any questions.
News Around the Diocese 24/7
The latest diocesan news is available 24/7 on your smartphones, tablets and computers at Available right now is coverage of Catholic Schools Week 2025, opening Jubilee Mass, new Catholic radio station, Ascension Parish Shawl Ministry, the Turn Youth Conference March 1 and more. Also, links to the new Illuminating Catholics podcast episodes at
Miscellaneous Information
Thank the advertisers who support our bulletin, they are much appreciated
Please remember to check the back page of the bulletin and support our sponsors!
Giving in our Parish Family
Writing a check? Remember: When writing a check for your contribution, please make your check payable to St. Therese of Lisieux Parish.
Online Giving: Online Giving is available to all parishioners. To give online, go to herlittleway/giving/funds. Select the fund to where you want your contribution to be credited. Enter your account and bank information. Enter the amount you want to give.
For all donations (including grain) to the parish: Please make checks payable to St. Therese of Lisieux Parish.
For donations (including grain) to Danbury Catholic School: Please make checks payable to Danbury Catholic School.
The ongoing financial support of our parish is always appreciated. Thank you!
Can’t make it to Mass? Please to continue to support your parish by mailing your contributions:
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
604 Peach St
Danbury, IA 51019
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
PO Box 203
Ida Grove, IA 51445
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
703 Heisler St.
Mapleton, IA 51034
Facebook Page
Please like and share our Facebook page.
Sacred Heart, Ida Grove -
St. Mary's, Mapleton -
St. Mary's, Danbury -
Baptism Preparation
Please call Father Bill to make an appointment to do Baptismal preparation and to set a date.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Anytime by appointment in any of the three parishes.
Danbury & Mapleton: Thirty (30) minutes prior to weekend Masses.
Ida Grove: Tuesday and Thursday before and after daily Mass.
Anointing of the Sick
If you or a family member is sick, facing surgery, or in the hospital, please contact Fr. McCarthy or Deacon Stover immediately for visits and to be anointed with the Sacrament by Fr. McCarthy. Also, when one leaves the hospital, please notify Father or Deacon; this assists us to continue our care for the sick.
Marriage Preparation
Planning a wedding? Contact Fr. William McCarthy a minimum of nine months prior to the wedding date to ensure all diocesan requirements are completed.
Bulletin Announcements
Due by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesdays. Send info to or call Lynn at 712‑893‑2160.
New Parishioners and Change of Address
We welcome you into God’s family! If you are interested in learning more about our church, or would like to join, please contact the rectory of your city of residence to register as a new member or if you have change of address or telephone number.
Prayer Tree
To have a name added to this unpublished list/tree, please contact the following:
Danbury - Pat Brouillette at 880‑0519
Ida Grove - Sherry Hittle at 371‑2070
Mapleton - Pat Sullivan at 881‑2420 or Marilyn Seuntjens at 253‑0603