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Mass Intentions
Fr. McCarthy
Fr. Ball
Msgr. Seifried presiding
Observances and Readings for the Week
Ignited By The Spirit
The new year of 2025 has snuck up on us. Even if you are not big on New Year's Resolutions, Rev. Walter Schoedel writes on how to make this new year filled with grace. 1) Wake up —Begin the day thanking the Lord. Today is the Lord's gift to you, rejoice in it. 2) Look up-- Open your eyes to the Lord. Ask for strength and grace for today. Jesus is Lord and Savior and longs to be our strength. 3) Dress up --Put on a smile. It improves your looks. It says something about your attitude. Jesus smiles. 4) shut up-- Watch your tongue, don't gossip, or be judgmental. Let only gracious words that help others pass by your lips. 5) Stand up— Take a stand for what you believe. Fight back against evil by doing what is right and just. Have the courage of your Christian faith to practice what you believe. 6) Reach up-- Lift your heart and mind up to God by prayer and sacrament. Listen to God with an open heart, drop by the Catholic Church and greet your Savior. Get time for Adoration or, better yet, make time for Adoration. 7) Lift up-- Be available to help others, especially those in need. It is when we are serving, supporting and sharing of our gifts and talents with others, especially those in need we are most like Jesus.
To all the member of St. Therese' of Lisieux Parish, may the new year be your best ever!
God bless,
Fr. McCarthy.
Parish Family Events
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Prayer for Vocations
Loving and generous God, you called the prophets to bring your word to your chosen people. Your Son, Jesus, called the first disciples to be bold proclaimers of the good news.
In the modern world, you continue to call your sons and daughters to the priesthood, diaconate, and consecrated life. Calm the chaos and soothe the sounds of our world, and allow more to hear your soft voice calling them to pick up their cross and follow.
May the Holy Spirit fall upon your church in a profound way, so that we may experience a tremendous harvest of grace. May vocations increase ever abundantly and may your church stand as a witness to the world of the good news of your Son, Jesus Christ.
Give to Mary’s Choice
The Knights of Columbus do a great job collecting much needed items for Mary’s Choice in October. The Community Life Committee is asking to help Mary’s Choice with your second hand baby and toddler clothes and your maternity clothes.
Cribs can be found in all three parishes for your convenience. St Mary’s in Mapleton’s can be found on the basement landing, St Mary’s in Danbury’s is located in the west entrance, and Sacred Heart in Ida Grove’s is available in the back of the church. These items will be taken to Sioux City throughout the year. Please do not include diapers or new items. Please save those for the Knights’ drives in October.
Sacred Heart - Ida Grove
Join Us for Adoration
Adoration is held for an hour every Tuesday after Mass and all day on the 4th Tuesday of each month. Please join us.
Liturgical Schedule
The January ministry Schedule is available to pick up in Church entrance.
Thank you for your volunteerism.
Community Basket Serves Those in Need
Want to help those in need of a little supplemental food? A basket can be found at the entrance of the church for your non-perishable items. Please consider helping those in need throughout the year.
St. Mary's - Danbury
Sweeeet Saturdays
Do you enjoy a little treat after Mass once a month? Are you willing to make a donation to keep these treats coming?
If you would like to donate towards Sweeet Saturdays, please contact Lynn Buth at 893-2160 or 840-0327.