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Mass Intentions
Fr. McCarthy
Fr. Ball
Msgr. Seifried presiding

Observances and Readings for the Week
The Rosary Congress will be raffling off a 50" x 60" fleece blanket beginning the weekend of September 14th and 15th in all three churches.
The blanket will be on display, and the tickets will sell for $5.00 each. Raffle tickets will sell through October 5th, the day of the drawing.
Prayer for Vocations
Loving and generous God, you called the prophets to bring your word to your chosen people. Your Son, Jesus, called the first disciples to be bold proclaimers of the good news.
In the modern world, you continue to call your sons and daughters to the priesthood, diaconate, and consecrated life. Calm the chaos and soothe the sounds of our world, and allow more to hear your soft voice calling them to pick up their cross and follow.
May the Holy Spirit fall upon your church in a profound way, so that we may experience a tremendous harvest of grace. May vocations increase ever abundantly and may your church stand as a witness to the world of the good news of your Son, Jesus Christ.
Ignited By The Spirit
The First Annual St. Therese' of Lisieux Parish picnic last Sunday was a good start to hopefully what will be an annual event. I am always amazed by the different foods that are prepared, many of which I have never seen before. The one that really caught my eye had pretzels on the bottom of the dish followed by a white cream and then strawberries on the top. Whoever made that (Janelle Clausen), congratulations. Mike Buth did a great job grilling the burgers and brats, and there was more food there than we needed. Fr. Rich, Fr. Carlos and myself enjoyed the event greatly. Thanks goes out to the Community Life Committee.
I was very happy with the generosity and support for Fr. Carlos and his ministry. The final number will probably be in next week’s bulletin.
The Rosary Congress starts September 30; it will be fantastic! Even if you have not signed up for a time to pray, I invite you to stop in the Church of your convenience and offer some time and prayers to God. It makes a difference for all of us!
God bless,
Fr. McCarthy.
Parish Family Events
This Week - Eucharistic Rosary Congress Schedule of events
Mon. Sept. 30: 10:00 a.m. – Rosary and Mass at Sacred Heart followed by Perpetual Adoration until a 6:00 p.m. Rosary. Father Bill will talk at 6:30: Enthronement to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in our homes. Kits will be available. Adoration continues throughout the night.
Tues. Oct. 1: 7:00 a.m. Rosary and 7:30 a.m. Mass at Sacred Heart followed by Perpetual Adoration until a 6:00 p.m. Rosary. At 6:30 p.m. the speaker is Michael O’Neill, The Miracle Hunter at Sacred Heart. Adoration continues throughout the night.
Wed. Oct. 2: 7:00 a.m. Rosary and 7:30 a.m. Mass at Sacred Heart AND Mapleton St. Mary’s. Adoration continues at St. Mary’s until 6 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Rosary at Sacred Heart. 6:30 p.m.: Eucharistic Candlelight Procession with the Divine Mercy Chaplet at Sacred Heart, outside, weather permitting. Adoration resumes at Sacred Heart throughout the night.
Thurs. Oct. 3: 7:00 a.m. Rosary and 7:30 a.m. Mass at Sacred Heart. 8:00 a.m. Mass at Danbury St. Mary’s. Adoration continues at St. Mary’s until 6:00 p.m. Rosary. Healing Mass at 6:30 p.m. at Danbury St. Mary’s – 3 or 4 priests will be available for anointing and confessions. Prayer teams will be available for individual prayer. Adoration continues at Danbury St. Mary’s until 8:00 a.m.
Fri. Oct. 4: 7:00 a.m. Rosary and 7:30 a.m. Mass at Sacred Heart. Adoration continues at Sacred Heart until 6:00 p.m. at which time we recite the Patriotic Rosary – praying for every soul in every state of the Union. Adoration continues until morning Mass.
Sat. Oct. 5: 8:00 a.m. Rosary followed by First Saturday Consecration and Mass at Sacred Heart.
Life Chain / 40 Days for Life: 2024
October is known as Respect Life Month. Every October, we consider more deeply why every human life is valuable and reflect on how to build a culture that protects life from conception to natural death. Here are opportunities to participate:
  1. Life Chain - join St. Mary's, Mapleton on Sunday, Oct. 6 from 2-3pm at the 4-way stop in Mapleton to stand for life. Signs and materials will be provided. Fellowship to follow. (Questions call: Dave or Sharyl @ 880-7749)
  2. Baby Shower for Mary's Choice - There will be a crib in the back of each church from Oct. 1 – Nov. 3 for donations (sponsored by the Knights of Columbus). Mary's Choice is a nonprofit resource center with free services during pregnancy and during early childhood. Items they can use: diapers, baby wipes, baby/toddler/ maternity clothes (new / gently used), baby blankets, bottles, unexpired/accident-free car seats, pak ‘n-plays, etc.
  3. Prayer - Please join in praying for the respect of life and the end to abortion. Prayer sheets can be found at the back of the church. Another resource if needed:
  4. Fasting - Offer penance, fasting and suffering for the end of abortion.
Oct. 12 - It’s Time to Buy Your Pies
St Therese Danbury Rosary Society is selling Dutch Apple Pies and Pie Crust. We are only making 750 pies, so please call early. Pies will be $14.00 each and the crusts are 2 to a package for $6.00.
The pies will be made and available to pick up on Saturday, October 12th.
Call the Church Rectory at 712-883-2406 or Carol Weber at 712-880-5000.
Oct. 12 - Fatima Public Square Rosary
You are invited to join us in praying the Fatima Public Square Rosary for the reparation of sins and offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and to fervently pray for the conversion of the United States.
We will gather on Saturday, October 12, 2024, at Godbersen Park (2nd/Main St.) in Ida Grove. It will start at noon. All handouts and prayers will be supplied, just bring your rosary and yourselves.
In 2023 there were over 22,500 rallies held across America. Will you be able to join other Catholics on that very important day? It won't take very long!
For questions, please contact Lisa 712-371-3297. Thank you!
Sacred Heart - Ida Grove
Oct. 4-5 - Rosary Congress Baked Goods Needed
Ladies and gentlemen...we are planning a fellowship gathering after Tuesday night’s speaker on October 1st  and again following the Patriotic Rosary on Friday, October 4th. If you are so inclined, we are looking for donations of bars or goodies.  A signup sheet is available on the Adoration schedule table in the gathering space.  We can also use some helpers.
On Saturday, October 5th  following Mass we are having a small brunch with a hot dish provided.  If you would like to donate rolls or a coffee cake that would be most appreciated.
Thank you.
October Schedule is Ready
The October Ministry Schedule is available in the entrance to the Church. Thank you for your service.
St. Mary's - Danbury
Oct. 4 - Mass Time Change
The Mass on Friday, October 4th will be held at 10:30 a.m. as part of Grandparent’s Day. All are welcome.
Oct. 7 - Rosary Society Meeting
The St. Therese Danbury Rosary Society meeting will be held on Monday, October 7th at 6:00 p.m. We will be meeting at the school so we can fold boxes for our annual Dutch Apple Pie Sale.
Oct. 12 - Help Needed for Pie Bake
We need workers on Saturday, October 12th to help make pies. Doors to the school will be open at 5:00 a.m., but come and help when you have time.
Please join us!
Pray the Rosary With Us
We will pray the Rosary Wednesdays at approximately 6:45 when there is Faith Formation.  Join us!  We will also livestream on the St. Mary’s Danbury Facebook page.
Sweeeet Saturdays
Do you enjoy a little treat after Mass once a month?  Are you willing to make a donation to keep these treats coming?
If you would like to donate towards Sweeet Saturdays, please contact Lynn Buth at 893-2160 or 840-0327
St. Mary's - Mapleton
Oct. 20 - Turkey Supper
SAVE THE DATE!  The St. Therese Parish Mapleton Ministries Annual Turkey Supper Fundraiser will be held on Sunday, October 20th.
All Mapleton parishioners are needed to either work or donate or both.  Please mark your calendar so you can be available.
Tuesday Mass Time Changes
Deanery meetings begin again, so Father Ball will hold the Mass on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 a.m.
Danbury Catholic School
Diocesan Raffle Benefits Danbury Catholic
Sponsored by the Diocese of Sioux City  and Danbury Catholic School, the fundraiser is focused on raising funds to support enhancement grants at the 15 Catholic Schools in the diocese.  Our schools help build a solid foundation of faith for our young people. The raffle ends on November 22, 2024.
Danbury Catholic has tickets available for you to purchase. Cash raffle prizes to be drawn on November 27th are  (1) $20,000.00, (2) $10,000.00 and (2) $5,000.00. Raffles are $100.00 each.  If you wish to purchase a raffle ticket, please contact Janelle at the parish office @712.883.2406.
Drawing will be held on  held November 27th, 2024 via Facebook Live. Winners need not be present to win.
Thank you again for your commitment to Catholic Education.
Event Outside the Cluster
Oct. 6 - Oom Pah Pah Mass
It's Oktoberfest Time. On Sunday Oct 6, the Remsen St Mary's Mens Oktoberfest Choir will be providing the music for a Polka Mass in Holstein.
The morning will begin with 8:00 a.m. rosary followed by prelude music and a Polka mass at 8:30 a.m. Visitors from neighboring churches are welcome on Sunday October 6.